Altitude Training From Home

Altitude tent rental services enabling everyone to benefit from altitude training. No need to head to Andorra, Tenerife (Teide) or Sierra Nevada and be stranen on a mountain for weeks. Enjoy altitude training in the comfort of your won home!

Altitude training increases the new red blood cells in your blood. This is due to the lack of oxygen that then stimulates physiological changes boosting sporting performances. Red blood cells are mainly responsible for transporting oxygen to body tissue, so the more oxygen available the better the aerobic performance.

Spending 2-4 weeks (4 is recommended) in an altitude tent has been seen to already lead to physiological changes. Spending 10-12 hours per day is recommended therefore most people tend to sleep in the tent and live there normal day of work and training. 

  • 1-2 Weeks - €100 per week

  • 3-4 Weeks - €75 per week

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